Saturday, August 1, 2009

11 Habits of Highly Effective Students

1. Study. A good rule of thumb for college students is "2 hours of study for every 1 hour in class." This may be even greater as you prepare for an exam or work on a paper. Be aware of your personal best time to study and try and stick to a schedule. Find a place to study where you won't be interrupted. Discover the library!

2. Get the right tools. Make sure you have all the right "student tools" to be successful: textbooks, binders or folders to keep you organized, paper for notes, a computer or access to campus computers, a calculator, pens and pencils, etc. You can't be a good student if you haven't got the right tools.

3. Keep up. Keep up with your reading and assignments. Class lectures will be more understandable if you've kept up with your reading. Once you begin to procrastinate and get behind, it is very, very difficult to catch up. Reading all the chapters for the first time the night before the exam rarely works.

4. Attend class. Once you get in the habit of not attending class, it is hard to get back on track. Make a habit of never missing class.

5. Consider a study group. Some students learn really well this way. If you give this a try, keep the group small (2 to 5 people max). Make sure it doesn't turn into a social event. To see if you really understand a concept, try and teach the idea to a member of your study group.

6. Prepare wisely for exams. Most exams you'll have in college will demand that you're thoroughly familiar with the vocabulary of that discipline. Not only should you know the vocabulary inside and out, but you should understand the subtle differences in meaning between two similar words or concepts.

7. Watch your syllabi. Make sure you not only hang on to each syllabus from all your classes, but also make sure you refer to them throughout the semester. When are the exams and what chapters will they cover? What other assignments are required and when are they due?

8. Communicate with your professors. New students are often intimidated by professors and are often reticent to visit with them. Communicate with your professors about issues that need attention; don't wait until the end of the semester when the situation has become out of hand.

9. Relax and balance your life. Take advantage of many the social activities we have on campus (e.g., clubs, athletic events, dances, etc.), but don't overdo it! Don't let your entire four-year experience at SUU turn into one long social event.

10. Take care of yourself. You know the routine: exercise daily, eat right and get 7 to 8 hours of shuteye each night. Also, make sure you use your "support network" (e.g., parents, roommates, friends, ecclesiastical leaders, etc.) for moral support.

11. Work on your career. Spend plenty of time thinking about your career, as opposed to wandering through the next four years and then getting serious about it. Periodically set aside some time to reflect on your choice of major and where you’re headed with it. Ask yourself: Why did I select the major I did? Can I see myself living with this career choice in the working world every day? Will it make me happy? Do I have some natural abilities or talents that will help me be successful in my major field? Will my choice of major enable me to provide the kind of living with which I’ll be satisfied? How much more education will I need beyond a bachelor’s degree in my chosen field? Does my career choice “fit” with some of my other lifestyle choices? Have I seriously considered other majors?
