Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tips to do well for your exams

These Study Tips are for any student who would like to stick to a good study regime. You don't have to be the TOP Brain to do that---anybody can do it by following these simple rules and tips. Its your call !!!

•Make a homework/study timetable. Work on the important or urgent task first. Give equal time to your least liked subject. Leave until last the things you enjoy most and things that are least urgent. Highlight all the important task to be done.
•Vary your study. Spending too much time on one task will give you less time for something else which might be just as important.
•Use your study diary. Keep it handy all the time. It's a valuable tool to keep you organise yourself.
Organise your study timetables so that the most important stuff is given TOP attention time!! (e.g. PRIORITY - Top >>>Medium >>>Low)

Create an individual subject files at home. This could be a 2 ring binder. Preferably use one at each subject.

Place the subject name clearly on the outside. When you get home from school each day transfer all the notes and handouts you recieved that day into each of your subject folder.

Before filing, read through, make notes and organise what it is you need to study from them.

•Your subject file can be further divided into topics. This will make it easier to locate a particular topic when you need to study it later on.

•Carefuly check your timetable, make sure you have allowed a reasonable time for what you want to achieve. e.g. "Complete Math exercises 3 and 4 or start writing a draft for English essay." You need to clearly identify exactly what you have to do.
•Set yourself realistic targets. When you get them done, you will feel good about yourself. Each small achievement helps to build up your confidence.
Congratulate yourself each time you reach your target.

Identify exactly what it is you need to learn in some subjects. You might have to memorise a poem or a speech. In other subject you might have to write an extended response. So in order not to waste time, IDENTIFY the kind of learning or task that you need to do and work accordingly.

•By using the notes from your subject or topic files, read and make notes - write comments, make brief summaries.
•Practice the writing of key ideas and facts from memory, you will learn better by doing this.
•Highlight important information, it makes it easy to relocate. It also allows you to create an outline of the material as you are reading. (Use highlighter that are not too bright, they have a tendency to be distracting)
•Write notes as neatly and as legibly as possible. If you compose neat notes, or at least legible ones, you can save valuable time by not having to rewrite them.
Note taking is probably one of the foremost components to being successful in acquiring productive study skills

•Don't daydream! Keep your mind on what you are doing.
•Remember to have a 10 minute hourly break, this will help you concentrate. The best way to do it is to stnd up and face away fromyour books, don't sit at your desk starring at your book- the physical act of standing up will help your thinking back to the job.

Understanding in the classroom involves listening to instructions, being attentive, involving yourself in discussions and asking questions.

Take an active role in your learning. This will improve your understanding of the subject and will help you recall too.

•Summarise things in your own words. When you are summarising, it should be short and to the point, capture key elements. Use diagrams, drawings, and flowcharts.
•When you don't understand something, don't be shy or afraid to ask your teacher for help.

It is normal for your brain to forget things, but this doesn't mean your not smart.

You should revise work very soon after you have learned it, once or every two or three study sessions, simply review older materials that you still need to remember.

Doing this regularly will save you having to re-study a topic in detail. Make sure your homework/study timetable includes plenty of revision time. The summaries and class notes you have made can be a great help in revision.

One simple trick to remember older information is to SIMPLY REVIEW.

Are doing a research for an assignment ?
•Study Skills - Six Research Strategy Secrets
The following checklist and questions are guide for students while they are doing their research for their assignments, it will help students to acquire and developed their skills in finding the right information not only during the students' high li
